Point of Care Testing Solutions
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  • Rapi-Q Rapid POC RT-PCR Testing Solution

Rapi-Q Rapid POC RT-PCR Testing Solution

From sample to results in ~30 minutes or more (based on test parameter) for up to 8 samples.

  • CE-IVD marked POC Solution for testing up-to 8 samples
  • Small, Light and Easy to Carry (1.4kg).
  • From sample to result in ≤45 minutes.
  • Eight-well block design with four fluorescent channels.
  • Intended solution for rapid detection at Health clinics, Blood Banks, Research laboratory, Hospitals and Airports.
  • Can perform qualitative/ quantitative analysis, melting curve analysis, genotyping, etc.
  • High-sensitivity, superior performance and stable detection.
  • Ideal for detection of Tuberculosis, HPV, 3Hdtect (HIV, HCV & HBV), Tropical Fever, STIs & Respiratory diseases.
  • Compatible for 50+ lyophilized room temperature stable disease detection kits.
  • Provides Software driven automated analysis, interpretation and reports.
  • Holds advantage of energy saving, environmental protection and long service life.
Point of Care Solution


POC Machine

From Direct Swab Sample to Result in 30 Minutes

POC Systems

Pipette Free Operation Eliminating the need of Technically Skilled Person

POC Instruments

High Sensitivity (99%) Specificity and Accuracy in Result

POC Solutions

Multi-Gene Targets Allowing analysis of upto 4 genes

Point of Care Instruments

Lyophilized Format Making the kit stable at Room Temperature

Point of Care System

Al Driven SolutionsAutomated analysis, Interpretation and Reporting

3 Easy Step to Result

Point of Care Testing Solutions

3 Easy Step to Result

Point of Care Testing Solutions

Kits Available on Rapi-Q

Broad Range of Compatible Kits

  • Direct amplification without RNA/DNA extraction from different sample types
  • Based on Gold standards of Highly Sensitive Taqman Chemistry
  • Superior results with High Specificity
POC Solutions
Point of Care Testing Solutions
COVID Detection


  • COVIDtect Multiplex RT PCR Kit EF*
  • Rapi-Q Multiplex Real Time PCR Kit for COVID-19
Point of Care Testing Solutions
Vector borne Transmission Detection


  • Dengue-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • Malaria-Q Real Time PCR Kit

  • Chikungunya-Q Real Time PCR Test Kit
  • Zika-Q Real Time PCR kit
  • Y. Fever-Q Real Time PCR kit EF*
  • J. Encephalitis-Q Real Time PCR kit
  • W. Nile-Q Real Time PCR kit EF*
  • Para-Q Multiplex Real Time PCR kit
  • Para2-Q Multiplex Real Time PCR kit
RT PCR Testing Solutions
Genetic Disorders


  • YCM-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • SCA-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • BT-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • Thrombosis-Q Comprehensive Real Time PCR Kit
  • DMD- Q Real Time PCR Kit
Point of Care Testing Solutions
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Detection


  • TBdtect (MTB-NTM Multiplex)
  • TBf ind (TB Comprehensive)
  • MDR-TB Multiplex
Point of Care Testing Solutions
HPV Detection


  • Human Papilloma Virus (HPV-Q) Real Time PCR Kit
  • HPV-Q Comprehensive Real Time PCR Kit
Point of Care Testing Solutions
Infectious Diseases


  • H. Pylori-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • BK-Q Real Time PCR Kit for BK virus
  • EBV-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • Nipah-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • Rota-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • VZV-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • Human Parvovirus (B19)-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • C. Albicans (CA)-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • EEC-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • SS-Q Real Time PCR Kit
Point of Care Testing Solutions
Respiratory Disease Diagnostic


  • Influenza A/B-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • B. Pertussis-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • S. Pneumonia-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • M. Pneumonia-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • Measles-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • LP-MP Multiplex Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • Adeno-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • MERS-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • RSV-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • ParaFlu-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
Point of Care Testing Solutions
Reproductive Health


  • N. Gonorrhoeae (NG)-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • T. Vaginalis (TV)-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • U. Urealyticum-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • M. Hominis (MH)-Q Real Time PCR Kit EF*
  • Syphilis-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • STI7-Q Real Time PCR Kit
  • HSV-Q Real Time PCR Test Kit
* Extraction Free Kits