
Viralcollect Transport Kit

Ready to use Viral transport kit

1. Polyester Swabs and Viral Transport medium (VTM) for the transportation of virus causing COVID-19.

2. Ready to use kit that maintains virus viability for effective and high quality RNA isolation.

3. VTM carries antibiotics and necessary buffers that help control the growth of unwanted microorganisms and maintain an ideal pH for the sustenance of the virus during transport.

4. 100 sterile specimen collection polyester swabs and 50 tubes of Viral Transport Medium.

5. 3ml VTM in 15 ml centrifuge tube

6. pH of 7.3 + 0.3 at 25°C along with Phenol Red as pH indicator.

How it Works
Order a Kit

Order and receive Saliva Collection Kit

Collect Your Sample

Collect the Saliva sample from your mouth

Lab Processing

Expert scientific team for highly accurate results

Get Your Reports

Your Genetic Insights are on Your Way

Genetic Counseling

Pre & post test counseling with a Genetic Expert
