
Whole Exome Sequencing Panel

Whole Exome Sequencing has now been accepted as a significant approach for unveiling known as well as novel variants in a variety of diseases. Clinical studies have been boosted by the whole exome approach since it emerges as a cost effective alternative for whole genome sequencing. Focusing only on the coding region of the genome, which contains more than 80% of the disease causing genes, the data possess a huge potential in identifying mutations in the exonic region making it beneficial for personalizing patient treatment.

Panel Overview

G2M Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) panel is designed using a hybridization-capture based approach for targeting complete exonic regions and identifying major germline mutations. The kit has been optimized to exhibit Q30+ read accuracy and target around 21500 significant genes based on databases like RefSeq, CCDS and GENCODE.

Panel Specifications

Hands on time required

8 hours


24/96 samples

Sample type

Blood/ AF/ Tissue/ CVS

Sample input

50-500 ng

Covered Region

Whole CDS, Mitochondrial genome, Hotspots

No. of genes covered


Target size

3.8 Mb

Shelf life

12 months (in recommended storage conditions)

Automation option

G2M EZY-Prep

Data Analysis tool

G2M CliSeq Interpreter.

Platform Compatibility

G2M offers flexibility of choosing a sequencing platform suitable for user’s requirement while keeping the gene content constant.


iSeq, MiniSeq, MiSeq, NextSeq550, NextSeq 1000/2000, NovaSeq 6000, NovaSeq X series.

Thermo Fisher (Ion Torrent)

S5, S5 plus systems


T series, G series, E series

Element Biosciences


Panel Workflow

The panel adapts a simple, straight-forward workflow enhancing a quick turnaround time . The workflow is divided into.

A : Library Prepration :This step includes end repair, adapter ligation, purification using MPB clean up beads and index ligated.

B : Hybridization and target enrichment :This step includes hybridization- capture of target region using biotinylated probes and selection of target region using MSB beads. It is followed by post capture amplification, purification and QC.
