RNA Extraction and Real Time PCR Kits for the detection of COVID-19 Infection

About Coronavirus:
COVID-19 is a viral disease that is spreading geographically worldwide. The virus has claimed lakhs of lives and is increasing the number of positive cases. Social distancing and wearing masks are the possible precautionary measures to tackle this virus in the absence of a vaccine that may be available earlier 2021. Real-time (RT) PCR based testing is the gold standard protocol that is being implemented in the county for confirmation of COVID-19 infection in suspected cases. Antigen-antibody based testing also known as serological testing is being followed in containment zones and hotspots for the purpose of surveillance and detection prior infection to coronavirus. Real-time based kits and RNA extraction kits are being manufactured across the nation to meet the testing demands of the nation.
RNA Extraction Kit:

Isolation of good quality and quantity of RNA is a key step to perform RT PCR analysis for confirmation of COVID-19. Mag RNA-II RNA isolation kit helps the researchers working in Coronavirus testing and research to obtain optimum quantity and quality of RNA. The kit works on magnetic nanoparticle technology which allows more than 95% recovery of RNA. The kit shares its compatibility with some of the top-notch machines available in the commercial market such as the MGISP-100B Automated Nucleic Acid extraction system, Kingfisher Flex, and MGISP-960 High-throughput system. The kit also comes with carrier RNA that enhances the quality of the RNA eluted from the protocol. The kit comes with an advantage that it is feasible with both manual and automated extraction of nucleic acid. Clinical specimens containing virus collected from human serum, oral and nasal swabs, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid can be used for the isolation of RNA as per the protocol provided in the kit.
Viral Dtect and Viral Dtect-II Kits for COVID-19 Detection

The Real-Time PCR based approach for the detection of Coronavirus is the most focused approach currently being used in the nation. RT PCR based tests are also being scaled up to prevent the community transmission of the virus. This scaling has been possible due to the inclusion of kits based on RT PCR. Viral Dtect II and Viral Dtect are examples of such kits that are being used diligently by different COVID-19 testing laboratories for the detection of viruses responsible for causing Covid-19. Viral Dtect kits offer exceptional high sensitivity and specificity with accurate results. The kits come with a single tube multiplexed designed approach with a wide coverage of RdRp, E, N, and ORF1ab genes that have been designated as potential genes for confirmation of COVID-19 in suspected patients. Internal, negative, and positive control are also provided in the kit for the validation of results. The probes used in the kit are labeled with 4 different dyes that allow successful multiplexing in a single tube. As like RNA Extraction kit, Viral Dtect kits shares compatibility with ABI Prism®7500, BioRad CFX96, Stratagene/ Agilent MX3000P, or any other 4 plex system with FAM, ROX, HEX/VIC, and Cy5 Channels. Samples collected via oropharyngeal swabs and nasal specimens can be processed with the help of these two specific Real time-based kits. A rising surge in the Coronavirus cases in the nation can be tackled with the help of efficient testing methodologies. The testing process can be enhanced by using Mag RNA II and Viral Dtect kits for the confirmation of COVID-19 in suspected and asymptomatic patients.