Real Time PCR based diagnostic kits for the detection of COVID-19

COVID-19 Testing
Coronavirus pandemic is spreading its feathers all over the world. Scientists are trying to understand the mystery behind the structure and other aspects of the virus. Every day, some new information is uploaded on different channels regarding the novel strain of coronavirus. Different vaccines have entered different phases of clinical trials; still, the world is waiting for the vaccine to control the spread of COVID-19. Testing, tracing, and isolation have been the three pillars on which every country is stressing upon to break the chain of transmission of coronavirus. Out of the three pillars, testing has been a major factor playing a significant role in detecting the individuals with the novel coronavirus. Real-time PCR-based diagnostic kits are the preferred choice of testing by various hospitals, medical institutes, and diagnostic labs. Affordable and reliable testing is the nation’s demand to control the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Genes2Me, one of the thought leaders in advanced molecular diagnostics and genetic testing, has extended the nation’s testing initiative by launching Real-Time PCR-based assays for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 specific RNA.
Diagnostic Kits
Real-time PCR based kits are being used significantly in the detection of coronavirus in suspected as well as asymptomatic patients. Different PCR assays take a different amount of time to deliver accurate and reliable results. Genes2Me, VIRALDTECT Multiplex Real-Time PCR Kit for COVID-19 is highly specific, sensitive, and is able to generate reproducible results. The kit is present with negative and positive controls. Also, the kit has a single tube multiplexed design with coverage of ORF1ab gene, E gene, N gene, and internal control. Probes are also labeled with 4 different dyes that allow multiplexing in a single tube. The kit shows its compatibility with Real-time PCR based systems having 4 plex with FAM, ROX, HEX/VIC, and Cy5 Channels. Positive or negative results can be obtained within 2 hours after performing the experiment with required conditions and protocols. Oropharyngeal swabs and nasal specimens are optimum samples which can be used for the process of detection. For more details, please visit Testing is an important criterion to control the community transmission of the virus. RT-qPCR based testing technique functions as the backbone used in coronavirus testing. It helps in detecting asymptomatic and infected patients. This helps in better management of the patients, further leading to isolation protocols for the containment of the virus. Aggressive testing can help in curtailing the spread of the virus and can also prevent community spread of the virus.