5 things to know about your Papa on this Father’s Day

Dedicated to Papa, our unsung SuperHeroes,
With Father’s Day around the corner, we might be wishing our dads as to how much they mean to us on that particular day. While it’s important to realise how much he keeps in and carries that extra grin for all of us to sleep with the thought that everything is fine around us. His selfless sacrifices and love which he might rarely express for you, make him the Superhero who is irreplaceable.
From making Sundays fun to dropping you off to school on Mondays, while he might be getting late for work. Being a best friend in your teens to a philosopher in your adulthood, he has been relentless. Savings, insurance and finances of the family are his responsibility for your dreams. His actions, every little one is driven with a blessing for a happy and secure future for you. You might differ in ideologies from him but his intentions are pure. From late nights to early mornings, he is always concerned about your health. From his shoes, you walk in, to his formal shirts you borrow for your first interview, you walk in his shadows.
We are now stating the reasons why he is the best:
He never says NO
He would never say No when it comes to his family and responsibilities. Be it 12 am in the morning or 5 am, he works hard for his family without a single complaint.
Won’t tell but will always show his love
He might not express it, but the smallest of his actions is enough to show his love for you. Telling you to carry an umbrella or calling you in the middle of the day. You are always in his thoughts.
Space of comfort even in hardships
To a father, his children will always be unaware of his struggles and hardships. He would leave no stone unturned to make you feel that comfort that he might be missing in life.
Confidante, mentor and best friend
Every step in life demands a new you. Your dad would be there at every step to guide and direct you from choosing the right or wrong. He even effortlessly dons the role of your best friend to understand your life struggles not to forget the solutions he is always ready with.
Your first beer partner
Not that he doesn’t trust you, but he would always try to take the right route with you. Setting examples that he would like you to adapt with your children. Because the first experience should be with the right intentions.
Now Genetically speaking, a recent study suggests, you use more DNA passed down from your father than your mother. According to Discover Magazine “We humans get one copy of each gene from mom and one from dad (ignoring those pesky sex chromosomes) – that hasn’t changed. The same is true for all mammals. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that mom and dad genes are equally active in creating who we are.” Your dad’s genes can be more dominating in deciding the genetic makeup of your body. Now, while you have this inspiration of being like your dad, genetically you are already more like him. Happy Father’s Day
You are his mirror!
Be proud of his choices in life because they would always be zeroed down to you.
Now he is always going to boast about you being his copy while looking at your photos, but now science has a proof. It is a truth and a beautiful one that we take the best of the features from both of our parents.
Gift your father, a change of a lifetime
Key Features
- Know about your Father’s future health conditions today through their own genetic blueprint
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We are what we are because of you Papa, It’s Our Turn Now.